Fallout 4 will have an important update in new generation consoles

Fallout In recent months, new generation consoles have distinguished themselves by a specific element, that is to give a second air to video games that were launched in the past devices. We have seen that with games like Assassin’s Creed Origins, Doom Eternal , Cyberpunk 2077, as well as the The Witcher 3 update.

Thus, it was confirmed that Fallout 4 will have an update of this type, this was detailed in the official blog of the game, mentioning that it will have performance functions for high table speeds, quality functions for resolution games 4K, error correction and even additional content of the Creation Club.

It is worth mentioning that Fallout 4 was improved for Xbox One X long ago, which allowed the game to run 4K and 30 paintings per second. Xbox Series X/s You can move the game with an enabled ‘FPS’ configuration, but although this increases the 60 fps frame speed, it also reduces the resolution to 1080p.

Now that allegedly series x/s and PS5 are superior in theory A One x , it is logical that there will be no sacrifices to be able to run the RPG title at about 60 fps and also Up to 4K at the same time. After all, it is a video game that was launched enough years ago, ideal to address a new franchise audience.

The update will reach the consoles and PC in the next 2023 .

Via: NGC

Editor's note: It is positive for these updates to take place, especially since they are not having an additional price. You just have to count on the physical or digital version of said video game, then it will be worth having an eye.


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