Metroid Dread: Where to go after getting the grip beam

If you have played Metro id Dread, you may have walked along the planet DR asking where to go afterwards. Once you have acquired a new element or skill, other roads will be opened for you and can be overwhelming. One of those points of the game is after getting the Hook shot Beam. If you feel lost, we have it covered. Here is where to go after getting the grapple beam in Metro id Dread.

Where to go after getting the grip beam

After acquiring Grapple Beam in Art aria, his next destination is a new location called Karenina.

Metroid Dread Walkthrough (Part 6) - Getting Grapple Beam in Artaria and Traveling to Ferenia

Salt of the room where you obtained this item by taking out the block and then opening the door with your new grapple beam. Then use the clamp to turn towards the door directly from the opposite side. Climb to the next room using the grip hook to reach the magnetic walls. Skip the first door and continue to the highest door in the room. Take the elevator in this room adjoining Deacon. Remove the grip block and bring the transportation of the transformation ball to the highest point of the adjoining room. Enter the EMMA area that is located here on the left. You will probably want to defeat some enemies here to make your life easier. Once it is safe, use the flat platform to break the Speed ​​Booster blocks directly from where you entered that area to exit.

This will put it on the right path to enter Farina; It only continues to follow that room until you reach the elevator to the new area. Make sure you have enough health and missiles for this part of the game.

That's all you need to know where to go after getting the grapple beam in Metro id Dread. Be sure to reread ourselves here at Metroid Dread to get more tips and tricks for the game.

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