After 11 years: two legendary steam

As part of the Nintendo Direct, it was announced that the popular game series of plays should appear for the switch. For multiplayer fans, there is also good news.

Switch: Portal appears as Companion Collection

The first portal game appeared in 2007 and was continued with portal 2 in 2011. Although the games are a bit older, they have not lost to popularity. In the list of 250 top games on Steam , the series even occupies two places under the top 15. Especially the humor and the smart puzzles come well with the players.

(Source: Steam)

Now, during the recent stream, Nintendo announced the "Portal: Companion Collection" for the Nintendo Switch. The collection contains both games - a nice surprise for the fans of this Valve classics.

A release date has not been announced so far, but the price. On Twitter, Valve speaks of a price of $ 19.99. Here you can expect with 16.99 euros to 19.99 euros for the bundle .

Portal: Good news for multiplayer fans

The portal series is already fun. But funny is to hit with a friend through the co-op. Valve has announced that multiplayer fans are not too short :

"The Companion Collection was developed in collaboration with the LightSpeed ​​Studios for the Switch and contains the single-player experiences of Portal and Portal 2 and the full cooperative game mode of Portal 2, which is playable in the shared screen as well as in local and online multiplayer mode. "

Massive Nintendo Direct Hype Hits The Internet And Live Service Games Taking Over? | News Wave From the comments under the official trailer can be read out, that the fans are looking forward to the bundle . "Portal is timeless," wrote, for example, YouTube users Vailskibum94.

(Source: Twitter, YouTube)

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Daniel Boldt

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