Xbox Series X: AMD CEO About supply and demand for consoles

Given the persistent delivery bottlenecks due to the world's pandemic, Xbox Series X and PlayStation 5 are still difficult to get. In the recent conference call with investors Dr. Lisa SU, CEO of AMD asked for the current supply situation and seasonality. She said that AMD will boot the production of chips next year, and expects that 2022 will be another strong year for Sony and Microsoft, although probably only 2023 will be the peak year for the Next-Gen consoles.

Well, I think — First, I think that the console business, this console cycle and everything, if you consider it in its entirety, was amazing, said SU. I mean, if you think of the strength of the cycle, now we are deep in the second year and the fact that demand is so high. I mean, we have delivered a lot of products. The fact that demand is still high, says something about the product capability that has achieved both Microsoft and Sony in this console cycle. We will continue production. We expect that 2022 will be another strong growth year for consoles. If you look at the typical console cycle, the top year is usually the fourth year. So you would expect that 2023 will be the top year.

Furthermore, she said that the dependency has become damped in view of the effects of COVID-19 on the supply chains. Regular and predictable annual sales fluctuations are therefore no longer possible in this environment.

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But overall, it's a great platform. We love the fact that we have as many users using AMD technology on the console platform, and we will continue to expand the offer. And what the seasonality is concerned, they are right. The seasonality becomes muffled in this environment until we come to a kind of normal environment.


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